AGM 2024
The Pack Music Co-operative hosts an Annual General Meeting at the end of each financial year, giving all members the opportunity to get up-to-date on the works of the Pack over the previous year, upcoming opportunities and issues, and to view and vote on any motions raised. All member types are welcome, but only full members (contributing musicians) and Board Directors are entitled to vote on decision-making items / motions.
However, any type of member (Full and Associate), and Patrons, are encouraged to contribute to the AGM, and throughout the year, as The Pack is committed to ensuring that the service we develop is inclusive, and accessible for all kinds of users, while supporting its musician members to distribute their music in the way they intended it.
As a Cooperative, The Pack is required to submit its annual financial reports to the Registrar (DMIRS) each year, as well as its membership numbers and Board Directorship status. But more than that, we are accountable to our members, and want to share both our progress and our pitfalls in the most transparent way possible.
If you are unsure what type of member status you currently hold, you can visit our membership page, or check out our abridged version of the Co-op Rules for members . To note: as of June 30, all memberships will be temporarily made free until the streaming service is launched. If you're a very keen bean, you can read the full Co-operative Rules here.